
This file includes functions to import the new lineage data.

Module Contents

lineage.import_lineage.import_AU565(path: str) → list

Importing AU565 file cells. :param path: the path to the file. :return population: list of cells structured in CellVar objects.

lineage.import_lineage.assign_observs_AU565(cell: CellVar, lineage, uniq_id: int) → CellVar

Given a cell, the lineage, and the unique id of the cell, it assigns the observations of that cell, and returns it. :param cell: a CellVar object to be assigned observations. :param lineage: the lineage list of cells that the given cell is from. :param uniq_id: the id given to the cell from the experiment.

lineage.import_lineage.import_MCF10A(path: str)

Reading the data and extracting lineages and assigning their corresponding observations. :param path: the path to the mcf10a data. :return population: list of cells structured in CellVar objects.

lineage.import_lineage.assign_observs_MCF10A(cell, lineage, uniq_id: int)

Given a cell, the lineage, and the unique id of the cell, it assigns the observations of that cell, and returns it. :param cell: a CellVar object to be assigned observations. :param lineage: the lineage list of cells that the given cell is from. :param uniq_id: the id given to the cell from the experiment.

lineage.import_lineage.MCF10A(condition: str)

Creates the population of lineages for each condition. Conditions include: PBS, EGF-treated, HGF-treated, OSM-treated. :param condition: a condition between [PBS, EGF, HGF, OSM]