State Distributions - How to create

The Emissions matrix is created using State Distribution objects. A state can be defined as a particular condition the cell is in (eg. Resistant vs Susceptible to a drug treatment), which is represented by it’s distribution(s)/parameter(s). Just as a state can be defined in whatever way one desires, so can the distributions - typically as some type of physical observation/phenotype.

The following codes present two examples of how to create StateDistribution. The first example shows that a state of a cell, can be determined by two phenotypes, that are cell fate and cell lifetime. Cell fate, which is whether a cell dies or gets to divide, is representated by a Bernoulli distribution which is defined by one parameter, shown as bern_p. Cell lifetime, which is the intermitotic time for each cell, is represented by a Gamma distribution which is defined by two parameters, shown as gamma_a and gamma_scale. In this case, they are independent of each other – but that may not always be the case.

The second example shows that a state of a cell can be determined only using cell size. We used a Normal distribution to model the cell size, which has two parameters; mean and standard deviation, shown as norm_loc and norm_scale, respectively. Please note that in this case we are assuming all cells should be accounted for, i.e., we have no censorship.

Necessary components to create StateDistribution class compatible with tHMM are listed bellow:

1. The initialization function

This should take in all defining parameters for all distributions being used. For the first example, Bernoulli and Gamma, it would be bern_p, gamma_a, and gamma_scale, and for the sencond example, the normal distribution, this would be norm_loc, and norm_scale. These are assigned as instances of the class object. One can assert that the given values actually make sense for the distribution. For example, a normal distribution cannot have a negative or zero standard deviation.

2. Random variable generator function

To create synthetic data, we need to generate random variables of the defined distributions as cell observations. We do that using the rvs (random variables) function, which actually uses the built-in scipy function rvs. It takes in size, which represents the number of cells in the lineage, and assigns each one a random variable from the characteristic distributions of that state. There is one per distribution. The time_censor variable exists due to the time based nature of the gamma distribution. Such a variable is unnecessary in the normal example, but may be needed depending on the type of censoring done. While creatig our synthetic data, at first, we assume all cells are observed and there is no censored cells. The variables gamma_obs_censor and norm_obs_censor are created and set to 1 for each cell to represent that. We do the censoring later. The rvs function returns the observed phenotypes as a tuple of lists.

# Bernoulli/Gamma
def rvs(self, size: int):
    """ User-defined way of calculating a random variable given the parameters of the state stored in their StateType object. """

    bern_obs = sp.bernoulli.rvs(p=self.params[0], size=size)  # bernoulli observations
    gamma_obs = sp.gamma.rvs(a=self.params[1], scale=self.params[2], size=size)  # gamma observations
    gamma_obs_censor = [1] * size  # 1 if observed

    # These tuples of observations will go into the cells in the lineage tree.
    return bern_obs, gamma_obs, gamma_obs_censor

3. PDF

The third required function is the probability distribution function (pdf). For univariate and independent multivariate distributions, it is fairly simple and can just use the already implemented pdf functions in scipy. For more complex multivariate distributions, the pdf might be more complicated and require a custom function. It is to calculate the likelihood of the observations.

In the Bernoulli/Gamma example, we assume the two phenotypes are independent and we add their Log-lilelihood to find the total log-likelihood, which is equivalent to multiplying the likelihoods.

In this function, we consider the censorship of the observations, based on the integer value we assigned to them to show whether they are censored or not. The fully observed cells are fed to logpdf to calculate the likelihood, and those cells that have missing information are fed to logsf. Those cells that died are then removed in the first example that cell’s fate matters.

4. The estimator

The estimator method provides estimation of distribution parameters given the observations. The user must define their own estimator function. Typically this would just be the maximum likelihood estimate, but in our fisr example, due the the incorporation of the gammas term and that we have censorship, it is slightly more complicated. One must find the MLE by taking the product of the pdf over all obervations (the likelihood), then taking the log, then the derivative and setting equal to zero to find the optimal value. For the Bernoulli, for example, the likelihood is the product from i=1 to n (where there are n observations) of p^x_i * (1-p)^1-x_i.

For the Bernoulli it becomes the product from i=1 to n of (p^x_i * (1-p)1-x_i)z_i. The MLE is then calculated as normal. Once this modified MLE is found for each parameter, the estimator function must simply calculate and return it given the observations and gammas. The Gamma estimator function takes in the observations, and uses the minimize function of the scipy.optimize to find the parameters and the function is located in the lineage/states/

# Bernoulli/Gamma
def estimator(self, x: list, gammas: np.array):
    """ User-defined way of estimating the parameters given a list of the tuples of observations from a group of cells. """

    # getting the observations as individual lists
    x = np.array(x)
    bern_obs = x[:, 0].astype('bool')
    γ_obs = x[:, 1]
    gamma_obs_censor = x[:, 2]

    b_mask = np.isfinite(bern_obs)
    # Both unoberved and dead cells should be removed from gamma
    g_mask = np.logical_and(np.isfinite(γ_obs), bern_obs)
    assert np.sum(g_mask) > 0, f"All the cells are eliminated from the Gamma estimator."

    # Handle an empty state
    if np.sum(gammas[b_mask]) == 0.0:
        self.params[0] = np.average(bern_obs[b_mask])
        self.params[0] = np.average(bern_obs[b_mask], weights=gammas[b_mask])

    # Don't allow Bernoulli to hit extremes
    self.params[0] = np.clip(self.params[0], 0.00001, 0.99999) # bernoulli parameter

    self.params[1], self.params[2] = gamma_estimator(γ_obs[g_mask], gamma_obs_censor[g_mask], gammas[g_mask], self.params[1:3]) # gamma shape and scale


Now that we have a functioning Gaussian StateDistribution, let’s try it with the overall model. As in the overview, we first define our initial probability vector and the state transition probability matrices.

from lineage.LineageTree import LineageTree

pi = np.array([0.6, 0.4], dtype="float")

T = np.array([[0.75, 0.25],
              [0.25, 0.75]], dtype="float")

Creating the Emissions for two states:

# E: states are defined as StateDistribution objects

# Normal distribution state 0 parameters "Basal"
norm_loc0 = 14
norm_scale0 = 2

# Normal distribution state 1 parameters "Luminal"
norm_loc1 = 19
norm_scale1 = 3

state_obj0 = StateDistribution(norm_loc0, norm_scale0)
state_obj1 = StateDistribution(norm_loc1, norm_scale1)

E = [state_obj0, state_obj1]

Creating the lineage tree:

lineage1 = LineageTree.rand_init(pi, T, E, desired_num_cells=2**5 - 1)
# These are the minimal arguments required to instantiate lineages

Below is the analysis for a single lineage. Note that the state objects are merely switched. However, the model fairly accurately predicts the transition matrix and state parameters.

from lineage.Analyze import Analyze
X = [lineage1] # population just contains one lineage
tHMMobj, pred_states_by_lineage, LL = Analyze(X, 2) # find two states
for state in range(lineage1.num_states):
    print("State {}:".format(state))
    print("                    estimated state:", tHMMobj.estimate.E[state])
    print("original parameters given for state:", E[state])