
This file exports excel sheets of lineages of cells with their states assigned to them after fitting.

Module Contents

lineage.export_states.assign_states(input_X: list)

Given a list of lineages, it returns a 2D array of cell states in the form of a tree that will then be written into excel sheets. :param input_X: list of lineages.

lineage.export_states.deintegrate(population, len_condition, gem=False)

Given the tHMMobj.X and the array that holds lengths of excel sheets for a condition, it returns a list including lineages corresponding to each excel sheet.

lineage.export_states.write_onExcel(lapt_tHMMobj_list, len_lp_cntr, len_lp_25, len_lp_50, len_lp_250, conc1, conc2, conc3, gem=False)

Write cell states with the pattern of input data (in a binary format) to excel sheets.